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Mother and Daughter Love

Mental Health Professionals Here to Guide You-

Imagine waking up every morning feeling like you can take on the world. How great does that feel? We opened the doors to patients — offering them a wide range of mental health services to guide them through life’s challenges and most trying times.


Life can get difficult, and sometimes a little help from a professional Mental Health Service can make things better. We care about your well-being and provide you all the tools you need in order to seize the day and learn how to tackle even the most traumatic circumstances.

Explore Mindfulness With Us


Each of us - through genetics, biochemistry, or environmental influences - have programmed ourselves to be exceptional at many things; mediocre at some things, and downright awful in others. These Neuro-logical patterns (programs) can be understood by observing and listening to how we linguistically communicate and behave - in both verbal and non-verbal language. Through this, we can understand and alter how we Neuro-logically piece our experiences together to be awful, mediocre, or exceptional at the things we do. This is what Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is all about.

EFT/Tapping Therapy

The EFT Therapy process is amazingly simple. In its basic ​form​ you just focus on something that is bothering you while tapping with your fingertips on a few specific acupuncture points. You will notice that the painful or negative beliefs, feelings or emotions easily lose their power and fade away.

On top of the basic amazing EFT effectiveness, We apply the intuitive aspects of the methods to customize and enhance the beneficial effects of this process.

Corporate Training

In Corporate Mental Health we educate executives, leaders, business owners and employees to the warning signs, and prevalence of chronic stress in the workplace.  We train on utilizing coping skills and communication strategies to reduce work related stressors and/or mental illness. 

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