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3 Steps to Detox Your Mind & Body

Have you ever felt overwhelmed, stressed and exhausted? I bet you never thought that these physical manifestations would be caused by your emotions. The good news is you can take control over these unwanted feelings by detoxing your mind and body.

1. Meditation

“Did you know that meditation is an awesome way to remove yourself from all the negative energies and environments that may be triggering your stress?"

Meditation has been utilized for centuries as a grounding mechanism and technique, which creates emotional, mental and physical balance. For years meditation has been beneficial for physical and mental health; It creates a harmonic balance between mind, body and soul.

Here We Go!

  • Find a comfortable space...couch, bedroom, floor... whatever you identify as peaceful and relaxing. Lay on your back in a comfortable position. Place your arms and legs parallel to each other and allow yourself to sink in. Slowly close your eyes and take slow deep breathes allowing yourself to relax and detach from the outer world. Slowly relax each limb of your body starting from your head working your way down. As you relax your body, imagine a ball of light above your head seeping into every inch of your extremities creating peace and balance. Focus on the light and let go of any stress or negative thought. Allow the light to remove these stressors and enlighten you with love, happiness and harmony. Take yourself to a safe and happy place. It can be any place...real or fictitious. Give yourself permission to let go and enjoy every moment of your happy place. What do you see? Hear? Feel? Smell? use all your inner senses and absorb all those delightful senses. En-capsule these senses and imagery into your conscious and subconscious mind. Stay in this moment as long as you like . After a few moments allow yourself to come back to the present moment, however come back with the happy moment you locked in your mind. Take a few deep breathes and imagine the ball of light surrounding you with joy and positive energy. Remind yourself that the same ball of light has removed and taken all negative vibes and emotions you started with. Slowly feel your surrounding, move around and open your eyes. Take a few more deep breathes and set your self free into a new present moment. Be Free and Let Go! Enjoy!

2. Brain Food

“What you consume is what you feel”

Studies have shown that what you consume can affect your mood. There's a hefty link between food/drinks and your internal chemistry. Have you ever gone to the doctor and he/she tells you that you must cut back on all the good stuff that you enjoy eating. Well to make a long story short, there's a pretty good explanation. Refined carbs and unhealthy fats can definitely unbalance our bodies natural chemistry. Especially our brain!

Lets Get Inspired

Berries Berries Berries...

Eating a variety of fruits, including berries, is ideal. Fruits like berries and lemons contains cell repairing antioxidants that can help fight depression. Aim for 1½ to 2 cups of fruit daily, recommends the Start with a banana — a healthy sweet treat that's been linked to improving mood.

Here are some simple mood improving smoothing for you:

Ready for an extra boost of happiness....Here is a smoothie ingredient to boost your mood

  • 1/2 cup blueberries

  • 3-5 strawberries, depending on size and freshness

  • 1 cup coconut milk

  • 1/2 avocado

  • 1 tablespoon goji berries

  • 1 tablespoon cacao powder (optional)

  • 2 teaspoons ground flaxseed

  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds

Blend everything together until totally smooth and enjoy!

3. Aromatherapy

“Aromatherapy has been clinically proven to decrease the “stress hormone” cortisol. So this weekend gently diffuse or rub your acupressure points with some essential oils to promote better sleep and relaxation."

Aromatherapy Mixtures :Desired Use Essential Oil Duo

1. Bedtime: Lavender + Vetiver

2. Happiness: Bergamot + Lavender

3. Peace: Sweet Marjoram + Orange

4. Clear Mind: Rosemary + Peppermint

5. No Doubt: Clary Sage + Frankincense

6. Strength: Lime + Black Pepper

7. Bring It On: Juniper Berry + Frankincense

8. Kickstart: Cardamom + Lemongrass

9. Tranquility: Cedarwood + Rose

10. Sleep: Cedarwood + Orange

11. Self-Assured: Grapefruit + Fennel

12. Breathe: Eucalyptus + Lavender

13. Relaxation: Tangerine + Patchouli

14. Feel Better: Cypress + Lemon

15. Calm: Lavender + Sandalwood


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